Coracle & Currach Making

Working with a local farmer in Wales we regularly offer training courses in traditional coracle making. The word ‘Coracle’ derives from the Welsh "cwrwgl". Their origins date back thousands of years. Coracles have been in use in the British Isles from pre-Roman times. The coracle was originally made of willow or ash laths and covered with animal skins impregnated with pitch and tar but some are now skinned with calico or canvas waterproofed with bitumen paint. Their prime use has been for transport and fishing and are lightweight and can be carried on one’s shoulders. They are usually propelled with a single paddle held in two hands over the bow executing a figure of 8 movement. Fishermen use a similar stroke but with one hand only as the other holds the net. Their numbers continue to dwindle although a new generation of coracle builders is reviving these skills in various places.

For details of the next course please visit :